Sunday, September 12, 2010

Whisk away!

I spent the better part of Saturday napping and generally being lazy.  I did manage to get Fridays lessons in, as well as clean and sharpen my knives.  I also practiced turning some turnips.  I can do about 5.5 in ten minutes, so considering we are "supposed" to do 70 (yes SEVENTY) for lesson 016... it's gonna be a rough road.  I heard from some of the senior students that the most anyone did last time was in the 50s, so I am going to do my best not to worry too much about it.

What I am worried about is getting proficient at whisking.  After some internet research, I learnt a couple of interesting things:
- Whisk in the largest bowl possible, bigger motions enhance the amount of air being added.
- You cannot whisk in plastic bowls.. there is a property that prevents the egg from raising.  Ideally use metal bowls, or alternatively ceramic.
- Hold the "balloon" whisk like a pencil, use mainly your wrist motion, an keep the rest of your arm as relaxed as possible.
- Always have the bowl against something sturdy like a table.  If you hold it, you are fighting the force with the other arm.

So I spent some time whisking water in a plastic bowl because that was all I had.  I practiced whisking with my left hand, which is a challenge, but necessary when my right hand gets too tired.  I'm not good at it by any means, but I figure if I actually spent a couple minutes per day whisking with my left hand, I could become reasonable at it.

Of course if I ever need to do any whisking in the real world, I'm gonna go out and buy an electric mixer!

Today if I get the motivation, I'm going to try and find some metal bowls...  Mostly need to rest though.  Hell week coming up!

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