Saturday, September 25, 2010

REVIEW: Saumon grillé, sauce Béarnaise pommes anglaises

Lesson 12

Saumon grillé, sauce Béarnaise pommes anglaises with one green vegetable and one root vegetables

Ingredient List

500g saumon, brut / salmon, whole
50ml huile vegetable / vegetable oil
salt & pepper
==Garniture / Garnish==
6 pcs pomme de terre/potatoes
==Sauce bernaise/Bearnaise sauce==
2 pcs jaunes d'oeufs/egg yolks
170g beurre/butter
30g vinaigre de vin blanc/white wine vinegar
25g echalotes/shallots
5 pcs povire noir entier/black peppercorns
20g estragon/tarragon
==Finition de la sauce/To finish the sauce==
2 brs cerfeuil/chervil
2 brs estragon/tarragon

Cooking Method: Griller

The salmon needs to be brushed with oil and seasoned before cooking.

Turn potatoes a L'Anglaise, which is roughly egg sized.  Cook from cold water salted with coarse salt.  Brush with clarified butter to finish.

Sauce Bernaise

Clarify butter in a bain marie.

Remove the leaves and put stems in the the reduction with crushed black peppercorns.  Ciseler shallots and add white wine vinegar.  Reduce to about half, and filter through a chinois.  Separate eggs, and whisk egg yolks to foam.  Add strained reduction, whisk to soft peaks over bain-marie.  Slowly add clarified butter, and season with salt.  Finish with taragon and chervil leaves hache.  Cover with plastic wrap and leave somewhere warm, for example, a lot sitting on a pot on top of a bain-marie.

Comments:  The major difficulty in this dish is to butcher the salmon into a filet.  Secondly, the Bernaise sauce needs to be carefully cooked over a bain marie.  Other than that, the dish is quite straight forward.  Note that the lemon is a "Dent-de-loup" and needs to have a minimum of 5 teeth, although more is fine.

Since this is an easier recipe, they make it more difficult by adding a green vegetable and one root vegetable.  I will go with green beans cooked a L'anglaise (don't forget to shock in ice water!), and turned carrots that are glacer a blanc.

Tools required:  Chef Knife, scissors, spatula, spoon, tongs, brush, peeler, turning knife, whisk, scale, paring knife

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