Saturday, September 25, 2010

REVIEW: Filet de rouget à l’anis

Lesson 21

Filet de rouget à l’anis with one starch and one root vegetables

Ingredients List
1 pc rouget/red snapper
1 pc citron/lemon
sel et poivre/salt and pepper
1 pc fenouil/fennel
50g beurre/butter
50m pastis/pastis
3 pcs anis eotile/star anis
50ml fumet de poisson/fish stock
sel et poivre/salt and pepper
poudre de curry/curry powder
100g beurre/butter

Cooking method: Poeller

Prepare snapper into two filets.  Using the extra bones, make a fish fumet.  Cook the bones with butter, low heat, shallots, white wine. add water and mouiller a hauter with bouqet garni.  Simmer 20-30 mins.

Cut up fennel.  Leaves can be saved for presentation.  Cook fennel in butter until translucent, deglacer with pastils.  Add some fish stock, and anis.  Cover with paper lid and steel lid, 375.

Put cooked fennel in oval shaped dish and add more fish fumet.  Season fish and add lemon juice.  Put on top with red skin side up.  No lid required, put in oven @ 350 for about 10 mins.

Remove the cooking liquid, montee au beurre with cold butter, which as quickly as possible.  Add pinch of curry powder for colour.

Comment:  Hardest part of this dish is the de-boning of the snapper.  Rest is not too bad.  Potatoes a L'anglaise and carrots glacer a blanc.

Tools required:  Deboning knife, Chef Knife, scissors, spatula, spoon, tongs, peeler, whisk, paring knife, brush, pincer.
Prepare Fish
Very similar to Salmon.  Cut along top following the spine, cut around head, scrape along bones. Be careful to remove bones with pincer.

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