Sunday, September 26, 2010

REVIEW: Osso-bucco piétmontaise

Lesson 24

Osso-bucco piétmontaise With one starch

Ingredients List
2 pcs jarrets de veau/veal knuckles
20g beurre/butter
10ml huile/oil
0.5 pc carotte/carrot
0.5 pc celeri (branche)/celery (branch)
0.5 pc oignon/onion
1 pc gousse d'ail/clove of garlic
1 pc tomate/tomato
20g farine/flour
150ml vin blanc/white wine
350ml fond de veau/veal stock
sel et poivre/salt and pepper
3 brs persil/parsley
0.5 pc orange, zestes/orange, peel
0.5 pc carotte/carrot
0.5 pc oignon/onion
100g tomates concassees/crushed tomatoes
10g butter

Cooking method: Braiser

Trim extra fat from meat.  Tie string twice around the veal.  Fariner (thin layer of flour over the meat).  Saisir in butter and oil in cocotte.  Baste with oil.  Mirepoix for carrot, celery and onion.  Remove meat, and add G.A. and tomatoes..  Singer and deglacer with white wine.  Add veal stock to cover G.A. and put meat on top.  Bring to boil and ecumer.  350 for 45 mins.

Make brunoise with carrots, onions, orange peel, saving best orange julienne for garnish (remember to blanchir).  Suer in butter.

In separate pot, high temp, cook the tomatoes.  To be used to make quenelles.

Remove meat from cocotte, strain sauce through chinois, add extra veal sauce if necessary.  Bring to a boil and ecumer.   Pour this sauce over the brunoise veg.  Plating, sauce goes over the meat.  Use spoons to make tomato cones.  Orange zest on top.  Sprinkle hache parsley on top and parsley leaves between tomatoes.

One extra veg:  Potatoes a L'anglaise.. Lustre with melted butter.

Comments:  This is not particularly hard, but they will be VERY picky with the veg cuts, so be careful.

Tools required:  Chef Knife, scissors, spatula, spoon, tongs, peeler, paring knife, brush.

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