Sunday, September 26, 2010

REVIEW: Civet de lapin à la française

Lesson 26
Civet de lapin à la française
Ingredients List
1 pc lapin/rabbit
1 pc carotte/carrot
0.5 pc celeri (branche)/celery (branch)
1 pc oignon/onion
1 pc bouqet garni/bouqet garni
0.5L vin rouge/red wine
3g poivre noir entier/black peppercorns
==Cuisson/To Cook==
30g farine/flour
30ml cognac/cognac
200ml fond de veau/veal stock
2 pcs gousses d'ail/cloves of garlic
100g poitrine de porc fumee/smoked bacon
150g champignons/mushrooms
150g oignons grelots/pearl onons
sel et poivre/salt and pepper
50g beurre/butter
2 pcs pain de mie en tranches/sliced white bread
2 brs persil/parsley
==Pates fraiches/Fresh pasta==
250g farine/flour
5g sel/salt
10ml huilde d'olive/olive oil
2 pcs oeufs/eggs
10ml eau/water

Cooking method: Braiser

Prepare marinade.  Huge bowl, red wine, mirepoix: carrots, onions, celery.  Black peppercorns. Get Bouqet Garni and garlic ready. 

Cut rabbit into 16 pieces.  For the ribs, put in the freezer, for a couple minutes, and then chop in a straight line.  Should be able to pull them back very easily by squeezing down.  As you cut up each piece, put in marinade.  (Ideally would be marinated for 24 hours)

Pasta dough.  Make a fountain with flour, and then add rest of ingredients and incorporate.  Make into a ball, cover with plastic, and put in the fridge to let rest as long as possible.  Roll out as thing as possible, the cut into square.  Dust flour liberally, and then fold in half.  Dust exposed side again, then repeat.  Then cut into small fettucine sized pastas

Remove meat from marinade and dry well, saisir.  Pass marinade through chinois to get the veg, and then boil the marinade and ecumer.   Remove meat and then saisir the G.A., singer and deglacer with cognac.  Add meat, red wine, and some veal stock.  Reduce veal stock on the side.  Add B.G. and garlic.  Bring to a boil, add coarse salt, bay leafs.  375 for 45-60 mins.

Garniture.  Pearl onions glacer a brun (sugar, salt, butter, water, paper hat).  Peel mushrooms, cut into quarters, saute in butter.  Make hearts with the bread and saute in butter.  Cut and saute lardons.

Remove meat from cocotte.  Pass sauce through chinois and reduce.  Add reduced veal stock if necessary.  Hache parsley.  Incorporate saute musrhrooms and lardons.  Plate with pearl onions, hearts and parsley.

Comment: This is a speed dish and is probably the hardest dish in Basic cuisine.  Debone your rabbit as soon as possible.  Marinate as you go along.  As soon as you are done your pasta dough, start saisir of rabbit and get it into the oven as quickly as possible.  Work on the garniture, and then do the pasta last.

Tools required:  Chef Knife, scissors, spatula, spoon, tongs, peeler, paring knife, brush.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the dishes look strange, some look good. But you don't mention which ones are the tastiest. Which are your favourites, as I assume you eat them when you are done.
