Monday, September 20, 2010

Rough Monday

Tomorrow is the mid-term, so I really should be focusing on that, so I'll keep today's entry short.  It was a rough day overall, a 1-day weekend is not nearly enough time to recover... felt drained all day long, and it didn't help that it was Chef Gilles all day long...

Just a side note.  2 weeks from now, I'll be done and back at work... incredible how fast time has passed, even though it's been really hard at the same time.

Lesson #021 was all about fish.  Filet de rouget a L'anis (red snapper), Filet de fletan a la Duglere (Halibut in Tomato sauce), Escalope de saumon en papillote (steamed salmon in paper heart) and Lotte au poivre vert. (Monk fish in green peppercorn sauce).  The main point of the lesson was in deboning the fish.

Practical #021 didn't go smoothly.  I had a really hard time deboning the snapper, which is similar structurally to a salmon.  My first filet was okay, but the second side was a disaster.  I was good with time management, and managed to get both carrots and potatoes turned and cooked, which Chef Gilles was very impressed with.  He found 3 scales on my snapper which is really unfortunate, but the fish was cooked well (a bit over cooked, but not terribly) and my sauce was acceptable.

Lesson #022 was about different ways of cooking poultry.  Pintade au chou (Fowl with cabbage), Poulet saute chasseur (Chicken with mushrooms), Perdrix pochee a l'estragon (Patridge in white taragon sauce), Magret de canard aux champignons sauvages (Duck breast with Morels).  The main point of the lesson was how to break down a chicken into breasts and legs.  It's not easy.

There were quite a few technical terms, I'll back-fill these with tomorrow's entry.  Now back to studying for the mid-term.

Stay classy,

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