Saturday, September 25, 2010

REVIEW: Merlan frit Colbert

Lesson 17

Merlan frit Colbert with one starch and one vegetable

Ingredient List
2 pcs merlans/whitlings
sel et poivre/salt and pepper
==Panure a L'anglaise/Bread coating==
50g farine/flour
1 pc oeuf/egg
10ml eat/water
200g chapelure/bread crumbs
==Beurre Colbert/Colbert butter==
100g beurre/butter
1 pc citron, jus/lemon, juice
100ml fond de veau, reduit en glace/veal stock, reduced to glaze
1 br estragon/tarragon
1 br persil/parsley
sel et poivre/salt and pepper
2 brs persil/parsley
1 pc citron/lemon

Cooking method: Frire

Prep Merlan fish.  Paner a L'anglaise.  Flour, egg mix and bread crumbs.  MARQUER - make sure to flatten and mark lightly in criss-cross pattern.  Prevents curling when cooking.

Colbert Butter.  Make sure that the butter is very soft (pommade).  Reduce veal stock to glace de viande with taragon and parsley stems.  Pass through strainer.  Add lemon juice, and integrate with butter.  Hache taragon and parsley and add at end when mixed.

Dent de Loup the lemon.  Make napkin swan with tinfoil in the middle.

Comments:  Relatively easy dish, just be careful to remove all the fish scales and guts and don't damage the flesh too much.  Have to add one starch (French Fries) and one Vegetable (turned carrots glacer a blanc).

Tools required:  Scissors, bendy knife, paring knife, nozzles, piping bags, Chef knife.
Prepping Merlan Frit
Habiller the fish: fins (long one on the top) bottom, gills, be careful not to remove V or the head will fall off.  Cover with plastic wrap and remove scales by scraping gently.  From the line on top, cut on both sides, starting at the head until 1 inch from tail in a smooth motion.  Flatten and snip spine with scissors. Remove guts including gills.

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