Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Exam Dishes

The exam format will be in two parts.  The first part is to fill out a Bon D'economat for one of the thirteen dishes listed below, according to the official recipe, ignoring any minor changes made by the Chef during demonstration.  The second part is to cook one of the three or four dishes chosen from the twelve from memory, which will be judged by a tasting panel of 3-4 Chef Judges.  You chose your dish at random.   In addition, during the actual test, there will be Chef observers watching for technique, hygiene, etc.

The list of the 12 dishes are:

Lesson 12 - Saumon grillé, sauce Béarnaise pommes anglaises with one green vegetable and one root vegetables

Lesson 16 - Navarin d’agneau printanier

Lesson 17 - Merlan frit Colbert with one starch and one vegetable

Lesson 18 - Côte de bœuf grillée, beurre marchand de vin

Lesson 19 - Petite marmites Henry IV

Lesson 21 - Filet de rouget à l’anis with one starch and one root vegetables

Lesson 22 - Poulet sauté chasseur

Lesson 24 - Osso-bucco piétmontaise With one starch

Lesson 25 - Côtes de porc charcutière, pomme purée

Lesson 26 - Civet de lapin à la française

Lesson 27 - Mignons de porc arlonnaise

Lesson 29 - Côte de veau à la crème, petits pois à la française with one starch

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