Tuesday, September 28, 2010

REVIEW: Côte de veau à la crème, petits pois à la française

Lesson 29
Côte de veau à la crème, petits pois à la française with one starch

Ingredients List
2 pcs cotes de veau/veal chops
50g beurre/butter
25ml huile vegetale/vegetable oil
25g farine/flour
400g petits pois/peas
50g poitrine de porc fumee/smoked bacon
0.25 pc laitue Boston/Boston lettuce
50g oignons grelots/pearl onions
50ml vin blanc de cuisson/white cooking wine
150g champignons/mushrooms
50ml fond de veau/veal stock
250ml creme/cream
==Finition/To Finish==
sucre/sugarpoivre blanc, 
moulu/white pepper, 
groundsel/ salt

Cooking method: Saute

Debone the veal chop, and tie it up.  Using the extra bones, saisir them, then add the parures from the pearl onions, and also the mushrooms which are peeled and then cut into halves and then at an angle.  Add veal stock and reduce.  Saute the veal chop about 10-15 mins per side in hot oil or butter, make sure to arosser the meat, and give it time to rest after it's done cooking.  Can fariner if you wish.

For the Peas, cut bacon into lardon, and then fry them.  Degrease pan a bit, and cook onions.  Add peas and then add sugar, salt and butter and enough water to be just below peas.  To finish add some lettuce finely chopped to be wilted.

For the sauce, in a separate pan, saute mushrooms in butter.  Deglaze the veal chop pan with white wine, and then add the cream.  Add the veal stock that has been simmering for an hour and passed through a chinois to the cream, adjusting for colour.  Add mushrooms at end.

Suggested starch is potatoes a L'anglaise, lustre with butter.

Comments:  Difficulty is deboning the veal chop, which is same as the beef rib and pork chop.  Rest is just prep work and timing.

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